The cave contains numerous calcite formations, with large amounts of helictites in places.
Carlsbad Caverns National Park is featured with its calcite formations.
The calcite formations are sometimes pure white and are know for being very beautiful.
In order to protect the calcite formations, novices are not allowed to enter Shatter Cave.
Numerous calcite formations can be seen in this area of the cave.
The calcite formations are superb and the prehistoric art, so ancient, so mysterious, is likely to send shivers down your spine.
The park features eight caves and a pit, all which feature calcite formations.
Despite its popularity, many calcite formations still remain intact in the farthest reaches of the cave.
The cave is notable for its displays of the calcite formation known as boxwork.
They include numerous Silurian marine fossils and the calcite formations, sometimes pure white, are noted for their beauty.