A 2006 paper calculated emissions of 62-236 Tg a, and "this newly identified source may have important implications".
Probably charcoal, according to Tris West, an environmental scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratories, who last year calculated emissions from the two methods.
Scientists may have overestimated by about 25 percent in calculating worldwide emissions of a gas that promotes global warming, a study says.
Many companies and states, which typically administer the permit programs, turned to an E.P.A. document known as AP-42 that provides formulas for industries to calculate emissions.
He said there was a place to turn for calculating emissions and that place was the agency's own document, AP-42.
It may also be useful to keep the elementary reactions and chemical dissociations for calculating emissions.
Banuri et al. (1996, p. 94) calculated per capita cumulative emissions based on then-current population.
According to the Kyoto Protocol, the reference year for calculating emissions under the ETS should be 1990, not 2005, as has been imposed by the Commission.
Will it be the 'fixed' method, which is based on an EU average, or the 'hybrid' method, which will calculate emissions from the time and place of extraction?
GREET 2.7 The Vehicle-Cycle model calculates the life-cycle energy use and emissions for vehicle production.