Special triangles are used to aid in calculating common trigonometric functions, as below:
It can calculate - algebraic and trig functions, hyperbolics, matrices, whatever you want - in seconds!
July 3 - Charles Babbage publishes a proposal for a "difference engine", a forerunner of the modern computer for calculating logarithms and trigonometric functions.
IEEE 754-2008, the most widely used standard for floating-point computation, says nothing on the topic of calculating trigonometric functions such as sin.
The floating point unit hardware incorporated into the microprocessor chips used in most personal computers have built-in instructions for calculating trigonometric functions.
Selecting from a stream - A standard statement can be issued against a stream to calculate functions (using the target list) or filter out unwanted tuples (using a clause).
Calculating mathematical functions or remembering meaningless patterns of digits are things at which engineers' boxes excel and which human beings do not.
Some of his work is often created by calculating mathematical functions and transforming its results into still images with vivid colors.
The universe is a hypercomputer, and it is possible to build physical devices to harness this property and calculate non-recursive functions.
A microprocessor is basically an integrated circuit designed to carry out calculating and coordinating functions.