When he sees the number of sheep on the calculator display, he promptly falls asleep and the credits roll.
LCDs are built up from segments; only a few are needed for a calculator display.
In the grocery store line, flip open the wallet-like case and a current account balance appears on a calculator display inside the lid.
"Depends how accurate these gauges are," Dloan said, tapping numbers into the calculator display at the side of the map.
It is a decimal repdigit and a strobogrammatic number (meaning that it looks the same turned upside down on a calculator display).
Some items tested interpretation of the calculator display, and performance in handling sequences of two operations.
There are several questions which may require pupils to select appropriate numbers from the calculator display after an operation has been carried out.
The calculator display would show a five followed by a decimal point and further numerals which would need to be ignored.
The use of the skill of selecting appropriate figures from a calculator display in these examples depends on the method used.
The televisions in these units use liquid crystal displays, the same technology used in most calculator displays.