Some comments in the preface of a calculus textbook show the central place of exercises in the book:
They are unfathomably large and quick and have to remember a set of blocking schemes that read like a calculus textbook.
Artigue continues specifically with reference to the calculus textbook:
The algorithm suggested by Laplace is usually described in calculus textbooks; as a computer program it was finally implemented in the 1960s.
For its sesquicentennial, Harper's Magazine has issued an anthology the size of a calculus textbook.
A textbook author in Toronto made enough money from his calculus textbook to afford a $20 million house.
In the present day, this problem is widely known because it appears as an exercise in many first-year calculus textbooks (for example that of Stewart ).
He is best known for being the author of a widely-used calculus textbook.
The management was unhappy with the calculus textbook they were then publishing, so they approached Thomas, asking if he could revise the book.
A mathematician whose widely read calculus textbook has introduced legions of students to the challenges of functions, he was 92.