He would be shaking over there, until his calves grew bigger.
The cows give about 3500 kg of milk per year and calves grow fast on this high fat milk.
The sleek little calves grew fat and were hardly weaned before their mothers received the bulls again.
As the calf grows older the bond with the mother weakens, although it may last 2 or 3 years.
The calves grow very quickly and are usually ready to leave their mother at around six months.
And as the calf grew you could see why he had cost 100.
But he felt himself growing weaker and the white-faced calf growing stronger.
The calves grow rapidly and can soon accompany their mothers in the nursery herds.
The calves grow quickly and can be taken to substantial weights without becoming too fat, providing prime beef.
For two years, feeding on as much summer grass and winter hay as he wants, the calf will grow into a 900-pound steer.