The cows and their calves stood along that line of hay, grazing, and they bedded down along it, too.
The calf stood its ground for a moment, and then, with tail erect, cavorted madly for its mother, behind whom it took refuge.
The calf didn't recognize the teat, but standing there by its mother's side it shat.
The cow dipped her shiny black muzzle into the water and sucked audibly; the calf stood a few paces behind her, twitching its big ears.
A calf stood in the protection of her mother's legs, agitated, still squealing with fright.
A single brown and white calf stood at the fence looking wistfully at the wilted carrot tops and frost-browned cabbages inside the garden.
Coming over a hill, we were forced to stop because a mother moose and her tiny calf stood on the trail a few yards in front of us.
Calf Raises for calves Stand with toes on the edge of a step.
When he found it, the calf was standing with its mother near a tangle of brush that grew against the canyon wall.
The beast disappeared in a swirl, to surface seconds later halfway back to the mud-bank on which her calf stood, forlorn and bewildered.