The calibration methods used by these sequencers may leave them prone to making sequencing errors when working with long strings of identical nucleotides.
It also describes the applicable measurement technologies, calibration methods, together with the physical calibration standards and calibration software that are required.
These claims also came under fire here, as one researcher said the calibration method was flawed and another suggested that the whole apparatus had to be reconfigured.
The proper selection of an appropriate calibration method is critically important for the success of a microdialysis experiment.
There exist several univariate calibration methods that transform two-class membership values into membership probabilities.
There are various calibration methods for tristimulus colorimeters.
Also Precision Color introduced a progressive or iterative calibration method that is more accurate than the single shot calibration used in ColorZone.
An overview of calibration methods for two-class and multi-class classification tasks is given by Gebel (2009).
The following univariate calibration methods exist for transforming classifier scores into class membership probabilities in the two-class case:
Yet new calibration methods may reconcile the discrepancies between the molecular clock and the fossil record, favoring more recent divergence dates.