Cat's assistant, a silent young man called Eddie, who always avoided eye contact, now brought them each a cup of hot milky coffee.
Later, Helen calls Eddie and becomes angry when he wants to break off their relationship.
The neighborhood hero, the man they call Fast Eddie, is running for the post.
There, with a blizzard raging outside, he had met a small, dark, melancholy young man called Eddie.
Francisco, whom they called Eddie, was the youngest of five children.
She also tries to call Eddie, but finds out that he is gone too.
Michelle walked in the side door and called out, "Eddie?"
At the last second, he tries to call Eddie back, but they have already left and he goes back to his show.
The cop called Eddie and I stared each other down for a while.
It took her less than two minutes to zero in on the man Rico's pal had called Eddie.