He has a sister, christened Marjory, whom he always calls "Mouse".
The one called Mouse, who is of course roughly the size of a haystack, catches Dale's eye and grins.
As the group prepares to exit the Matrix, they are ambushed by Agents and tactical police, leading to the death of a crew member called Mouse.
Thence he moved only by night, hiding by day and rubbing the edges of his sword, which he called Mouse because it was swift and nimble.
The jeweller put his diamond gently upon the ground and drew his sword called Mouse.
Newt shook out a loop, and on the first throw caught his own favorite, a dun gelding he called Mouse.
It is Arram who introduced the boy, then called "Mouse", to chantment.
Her maid, the one called Mouse.
The small creature was called simply "Mouse," and it was Lizzie's favorite possession.
Henry is a painter who lives in a lovely villa in southeastern France with two young women he calls Mouse and Freak.