I will call him Mr. Jolly, because that's what he was.
He was proud of himself for having, for once, remembered to call someone 'Mr.' "What's that got to do with it?"
He constantly calls Mr. Bloomberg's proposed rebate a "Bush tax plan."
Service Merchandise also stumbled when it bought a do-it-yourself home-improvement warehouse business called Mr. How.
Remember, I grew up where calling an older man 'Mr.' isn't rude; it's a sign of respect.
Men are usually called Mr. or by their whole name, or simply called into the examining room, as in "Would you follow me, please?"
Therefore, isn't it a bit premature to call Mr. Clinton's fine "deserved" (editorial, July 30)?
What do we call you, Mr. and Mrs. Paris, France?
Would she remember to call him "Mr." rather than "Senator"?
But he preferred to be called Mr. in the manner of old-time drag performers rather than using the female stage names now used by many transvestites.