This is called Tao in China.
Armstrong claims that the fundamental reality, later called God, Brahman, nirvana or Tao, transcends human concepts and thoughts, and can only be known through devoted religious practice.
It could as well be called God or Tao, but the name Chaos is virtually meaningless and free from the anthropomorphic ideas of religion.
They convinced Max Cash, alias Condition Red, to join and acquired the Tactical Augmented Organism (T.A.O., later called simply Tao) for their team.
The same year, Harris Goldsmith, in Musical America, called Tao "the most exciting prodigy ever to come my way.
The varieties in the Philippines are called Ivatan (also spelled Ibatan), or are named Babuyan, Batan, or Itbayat after their islands, while the variety of Taiwan is called Yami or Tao.
As I do not know its name, I am compelled to call it simply, Tao.
In the lower city, we gathered for an introductory lecture by Dr. Wang Tao, soon to be called Tao by all of us.
Adam's mentor and caretaker was a martial arts sensei called Tao.