Hammer searched her thoughts, trying to bring up what she was calling West about when the rednecks broke into their conversation.
Clyde also won a supplementary competition called the Glasgow & West of Scotland League the following season.
The two villages used to be called West and East Bytham.
In an off-the-record portion of an interview the following day, President Barack Obama called West a "jackass" for his antics.
The change allowed the GSC to divide into two separate divisions called East and West.
Streets are called "West" if they are west of James or Upper James.
West Ashley also has an independent community newspaper called West Of, which publishes news pertaining to the area on a weekly basis.
A recent piece was called "West of Nepal," an anagram for Stefan Wolpe.
Later records call West variously a "mariner" and a "gentleman."
Peter then asks Claire to call West.