When they came within hailing distance, the seaman on watch called a challenge.
Out at the edge of the dragon farm, a sentry called a challenge.
He called the proposal "a challenge to the Police Department" to make its case.
A British sentry called a challenge, and then fired at the Americans.
A sergeant in the secondary trenches called a challenge that was more than half a yawn.
He'd got about halfway to the clearing when a soft, clear voice called a challenge: "Who goes?"
When a player calls a challenge, it is called against the player who most recently completed their move.
They made plans in low mutters, then almost had to scrap them at once when a sentry called a challenge from out of the darkness.
This is sometimes called a "challenge" or "provoked" heavy metals test.
Big Three officials called the proposal a challenge because they are struggling to meet the current requirements while expanding their truck sales.