He might have stopped there, had it not been for what he called a "curse" that compelled him to change and change again.
Djiraibe also has argued that oil revenues were a factor in the nation's 2005-2010 civil war, calling them a "curse".
In this case, I would be more inclined to call it a curse.' '
If the team were still in Long Island, with still the same owners, then you can call it a curse.
However he was less impressed with the ballads criticising and calling them a "curse" on the album.
Some of them even look on this dependence as added punishment, quite unjust, and call it a curse.
Nora's gift was not a mere mixed blessing, but could also rightly be called a curse.
The popular stretch vehicles that take many young people to their proms have been called "a blessing and a curse" by one high school principal.
Shikabane are given superhuman strength and a unique ability or attribute called a curse.
Keep silence, lest I call a curse upon you!