We're just saying it comes close," closing with calling it a "staggering achievement.
David Denby from The New Yorker called the film "a superb achievement" with the director's "impressive visual skills".
At the same time, the leaders of tenants' groups said they were pleased with the proposal, calling it a significant political achievement by Mr. Silver.
Reviews also called the book a notable achievement for such a young author as Paolini.
Mr. Babbitt calls the San Diego-Imperial arrangement a major achievement, but cautions that the deal is not done.
Pasteur called this a "remarkable achievement".
John King Davis, too, admired Mackintosh's dedication and called the depot-laying journey a "magnificent achievement".
In 50 years of public office, Thurmond has compiled a perfect record: He has done nothing that can be called an achievement.
Allen Kerkeslager called the book a "marvelous achievement" and commended its clear organization.
Roger Ebert gave the film three out of four stars, calling it a "technical achievement, it's impressive, and entertaining.