A simple rash is called dermatitis, meaning inflammation of the skin.
For example, a type of eczema called nummular dermatitis is most commonly found in men over age 60.
During spring and some times of the summer, swimmer's itch, also called cercarial dermatitis appear.
It may appear in other locations as well, where it is called seborrhoeic dermatitis rather than cradle cap.
The most common is called atopic dermatitis.
Skin inflammation due to skin infection is called infective dermatitis.
In teens, it often results from a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis, or seborrhea.
Another result is a change in the color of the skin, which is called dermatitis.
This is called cercarial dermatitis, also known as swimmer's itch.
Reducing symptoms of a kind of skin disorder called atopic dermatitis (eczema).