If you can't change your medicine, your doctor may try a method called desensitization.
A technique called systematic desensitization exposes patients to the feared stimuli in gradual degrees while under hypnosis.
In the second stage, called desensitization, the stutterer works to reduce fear and anxiety.
During ERP, with repeated "exposure trials", the person then "learns" to let go of the fear through a process called desensitization.
Upon prolonged exposure to capsaicin, TRPV1 activity decreases, a phenomenon called desensitization.
One tool is called "systematic desensitization," which is most effective in treating phobias.
A technique called "systematic desensitization" uses relaxation methods to help the patient confront fears related to treatment.
This is called systematic desensitization.
Instead, you will be bolstered with the benefit of a potent psychological technique called desensitization.
The proprioceptive sense is often unnoticed because humans will adapt to a continuously present stimulus; this is called habituation, desensitization, or adaptation.