Mr. Pataki's proposal calls for $3.89 billion during the next 20 years, with the costs evenly split by industry fees and the state's taxpayer-financed general fund.
His inaugural address alluded to what he called the irresponsible borrowing and runaway spending during the eight years Republicans held the governor's office.
A few hours of uninterrupted slumber was something to treasure in places as devoid of peace as the various hellholes they had called home during the past several years.
It was the South Bay that Dave called home during the next few years, before moving back to Jacksonville, Florida around 1965.
They also assembled a quartet called Double Image during the years 1977-1980.
He also headed an organization called the German-American Congress for Democracy during the early years of World War II.
Hosted a Sunday night free-form music program called Fear of Music during the first few years of 99X.
Barack Obama's presidential campaign, called "Organizing for America" during the off years, also led efforts against Sestak.
The current president of Afghanistan, Hamid Karzai was sometimes called the prime minister by the international media during the first years of his presidency.
Did we call Italy nondemocratic during the years it wallowed in corruption and political confusion?