I call these my Scotch, English, Irish and Ukrainian eggs.
Fancy having a car called eggs.
And the farmer's market was calling . . . fresh vegetables, eggs, baked goods, and sausages.
They are impressed by the company's plans for what it calls "value-added eggs."
Previas are affectionately called "eggvans", "eggs", or "beans", because of their shape.
But some ethicists and fertility doctors say it is time to call human eggs what they are: a commodity whose price is set by whatever the market will bear.
The water in them contains carbonate of lime, which often forms concretions, called pearls, eggs, and snowballs, according to their size.
The result was the new Poma's gondola preferably called 'eggs'.
Students are preparing for the 10:30 a.m. program with a ritual of beer and breakfast called kegs and eggs.