In the same period, Republican voters calling themselves liberals fell from 15 percent to 8 percent.
Aren't Thuriens what people used to call liberals?
Sometimes Democrats are called "the left", "liberals" or "progressives", even though not all Democrats are left-wing or liberal.
"I think on a very basic level, students, even those who don't call themselves liberals, are interested because it's going to affect their student loans."
Non-conservatives - some of whom dare to call themselves liberals - are building on their new outsider status.
As often as not, the voices expressing concerns of increased immigration come from people who once would have been called liberals.
They call themselves typical liberals, wimpy and inactive, people who rail against reactionary talk-show hosts but don't take a step to change the world.
The conservative liberals were called free liberals before they had founded a separate party.
Those hoping to calm the turbulence of the early independence period and to drive Mexico down the alluring pathways offered by the West were called liberals.