"I'm talking about what you'd call dead cellular material."
It's as if this unknown thing's thoughts were the closest to anything you could call material.
After drying, it was baked to biscuit, called raw material, which was then covered in white on the front.
Those lessons, in turn, were based on what the Pentagon called "old material" from the 1960's.
But "Balance" often combines nimble execution with what might charitably be called borrowed material.
Above, below and around me was nothing that could be called material.
Blatty said that the script "was what you might call bizarre material.
Cellular components may also be called biological matter or biological material.
The manuals were mistakenly based on what the Pentagon called "old material" reflecting policies of the 1960's that have been scrapped.
Three decades have passed, and often now the payoff is little more than a handful of what American investigators call "possible osseous material."