An irritated Mr. Clinton promptly called the first lady's advisers to demand why they were not buying more television time, campaign aides said.
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon called his advisers together early this morning to discuss the attack, the third in three days, which have claimed 31 Israeli lives.
When the American President calls his advisers together, the results are predictable.
Upon hearing news of the coup in Yugoslavia, Hitler called his military advisers to Berlin on 27 March.
The President calls his advisers together.
Johnson called his U.S.-based advisers to his Texas ranch for discussions on Christmas Day.
At the instigation of Sir Ettard, he called his advisers together for a consultation.
He called his advisers to help him resolve this quandary.
The first thing George Bush did after his summit meetings in London and Moscow was to call his political advisers to Camp David for a planning session on the coming campaign.
Mr. Rove then contacted Mr. Bush's father, the former president, in Texas, who had been calling the governor's advisers all day.