His praise underscored the qualities he appears to value most in the Cardinal, a disciplinarian who is called the Pope's most significant American appointment.
An unusual honor for a freshman member, Chairman Dreier called his appointment "a testament to his vision and commitment to changing the way Congress does business."
The then Leader of the Opposition, Robert Menzies, called McKell's appointment "shocking and humiliating".
You can call your appointment from there.
Seifert, who grew up in San Francisco, called his appointment a "dream come true."
This was a controversial move: Senator William H. King of Utah, the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee called Hastie's appointment a "blunder."
"Have you called her last appointment from Friday?"
He called her appointment of David Mundell MP as interim party chairman 'not new' and went on to say 'I would've thought there'd been more planning in a leadership campaign'.
On one of those days, when Quincy was shut in his office working on his memoirs, she even called and made a doctor's appointment.
He called his appointment by Mayor Ernest E. Davis a sign that the Mayor would like to see a more professionally run police department.