Most designs were painted freehand (also called brush-stroke painting) directly on the piece.
He used long-exposures to photos, creating the illusions of light art, which can also be called light painting.
The most common solution is a production effect called matte painting.
When a new layer is added to a still-wet earlier layer, this is called wet-in-wet painting.
He has been known to transplant material to conform to a picture in his mind, a process he calls "painting with plants."
What may loosely be called realistic painting was what she knew best, liked most and was concerned to foster.
One devotes himself to what he calls "spermatic painting."
He created a new painting genre called topographic painting.
During the following decade, Stella introduced relief into his art, which he came to call "maximalist" painting for its sculptural qualities.
While there, he learned a wide variety of techniques, from cartooning to what later came to be called photorealistic painting.