The idea being that many development efforts require control over the exact sql, calling stored procedures or are more simply solved with 'Relational' approaches.
They called into question various electoral procedures including the drawing up of electoral lists and the issuing of ballot papers.
Two involve just greatly reducing the size of the stomach, called restrictive procedures, but not changing the small intestine.
GeneNetwork also calls statistical procedures written in the R programming language.
Residents elsewhere should call either their water supplier or their local board of health for information on water testing procedures.
Overall, the services provided can be generally called procedures.
House Republicans call this a "feeble" reform because it doesn't address the maze of overlapping committees and cumbersome procedures that blocks efficient legislation.
These techniques include what are called "open procedures" meaning a major surgery with a substantial skin incision and general anesthesia.
These routines are written in assembly language but called as procedures or functions from Pascal modules.
Commonplace in everyday life, algorithms sometimes are called procedures or recipes (italics in original, p. 154)