The general theory of acupuncture is based on the premise that bodily functions are regulated by an energy called qi which flows through the body; disruptions of this flow are believed to be responsible for disease.
Energy, called qi or chi, flows through the body along "energy pathways" called meridians.
In acupuncture theory, an energy called qi flows through through the body, and helps propel the blood.
According to Zhang, all things of the world are composed of a primordial substance called qi.
It is based on the theory that there is energy, called chi or qi, flowing through your body.
This is the "vibration" or "undulation" produced by the tanden-and called qi by the Chinese-that are used in every technique (atemis, throws, locks, weapons, etc.) while allowing the user to increase his power tremendously while remaining very lithe and supple in all situations.
One is said to be born with a fixed amount of jīng (pre-natal jīng, also sometimes called yuan qi) and also can acquire jīng from food and various forms of stimulation (exercise, study, meditation.)
The vast majority practice a brand of Chinese massage called Tui Na (pronounced twee-nah), a subset of the larger art of physical healing known as qigong (pronounced chee-goong), which attempts to harness the body's energy, an intangible force called qi in Chinese.
The exercises are meant to focus the body's vital energy, which traditional Chinese medicine calls qi.
Chinese medicine is a system of medicine partly based on the idea that an energy, called qi (say "chee"), flows along pathways in the body called meridians.