In some southern regions, it is also called rice dressing.
While often called "sticky rice", it differs from non-glutinous strains of japonica rice which also become sticky to some degree when cooked.
At this point in the process, the product is called brown rice.
The sauteed potatoes with it are excellent, but something called black sticky rice on the side tastes like unflavored oatmeal.
But to call this a historical novel is like sitting down to a dish of paella and calling it rice with clams.
This product is called golden rice.
"In fact, they are so fundamental that our Japanese friends call them industrial rice."
Although called "Spanish rice", this dish is unknown in Spain.
Last spring enough seeds were available to test the new plant, called "super rice" by the research center, in small plots.
Despite labels showing Indians in canoes, cultivated wild rice, also called paddy rice, is harvested by machine.