The question from a Campbell Soup executive ("What are they calling too much salt?")
Iodised salt - which might be called "Fortified salt".
In Angola, a dark dirt called "black salt" is sprinkled on cold food, but cannot be cooked because it loses its tang.
"There's no denying that Paula's food has a lot of what we call the deadly triangle: fat, sugar and salt," she said.
They would be called salt of the earth, he supposed.
I believe that it was called 'salt." "
Although imminent death shadows the events of the play, this is also a work with what Mr. Pinter calls "salt, vinegar and mustard."
It is also called bay salt or solar salt.
"He is that type they call 'salt of the earth,' I believe," Davinoff reassured her.
"What are they calling too much salt?"