Over 150 years ago, Henry identified the room acoustics phenomena we now call direct sound, early reflections, and reverberation.
It is usually done using just the chest register and is often called "white sound" or "white" voice.
Video of the song called sound of home.
What we call "sound" is mechanical vibrations traveling through a medium such as air or water.
Worse still, there were times when he suffered what the doctors called tinnitus, a roaring or ringing sound in the ears.
Relying often on traditional, even classical Japanese instruments, the composer respected what he called the true wavelength and tonal sound of each one.
It was a long, long calling sound, as of an animal far away in the deep distance.
The end of a dailies reel may contain sound that was recorded without simultaneous picture recording called wild sound.
Thea said, "They're here, barely safe, and not what I can call sound, particularly the two sisters.
This effect is called second sound.