In the 2nd century, Melito of Sardis called these Scriptures the "Old Testament" and specified an early canon.
His two longer poems, called "The Legacy" and "The Testament," which form his chief work, have traditionally been read as if they were autobiographical.
Based on his performance, he was signed to Def Jam and recorded an album called The Testament.
Much had taken place during the intertestamental period between the end of what Christians call the Old Testament and the beginning of the New Testament.
The Mishnah is the law of our people, based first on our holy books, which the Christians call the Old Testament.
He is also the protagonist of a pseudepigraphal book called the Testament of Job.
For example, it calls the Old Testament the "Hebrew Bible" out of consideration to Jewish readers.
Those are the scrolls of the law in the background, the first five books of the Bible, of what you call the Old Testament.
The first part is called the Old Testament.
He called the New Testament the Former Testament.