Specifically, it should call on its European allies to impose more rigorous restrictions on exports to Libya that could be used to produce chemical weapons.
Mr. Sharpton, who was not arrested yesterday, said he was calling on the federal government to impose a monitor on the police.
It calls on all states to impose a travel ban and asset freeze on anyone who is designated a suspect in the Hariri slaying.
He called for the formation of a new independent press regulator with powers to impose fines, require corrections to be published prominently and launch investigations.
The unionwide law would call for national regulators to impose criminal sanctions for serious offenses, the commission said.
It calls on national courts to impose jail terms of at least two years in serious cases.
But it continued to press for change, calling on the United Nations to impose sanctions against Ian Smith's regime.
She called for legislative changes to impose tighter judicial control on the length and the type of cross-examination, particularly of children.
We therefore call on the Convention to impose a constitutional ban on any such agglomeration of power, which is positively indecent.
The plaintiffs are calling for the United States to impose taxes of up to about 170 percent of the price of oil imported from these countries.