You can call upon all the individual strengths of your squad members to produce the perfectly executed free kick.
He called on the plaintiffs to produce their own site plan by Monday, presumably to be used as the basis for an imposed housing plan.
Why did he not denounce Arthur and call for the Britons to produce their king, or declare himself the victor?
The targets call for the banking industry to produce about $15 billion in additional income, and thus increased tax payments of about $5 billion.
It calls for dramatic action by both sides to produce a Palestinian state with provisional borders as early as this year.
He called upon Iranian musicians to produce purposeful and meaningful music.
Regenerists call for the creation of demand on agricultural systems to produce regenerative foods.
They call for more advanced schoolwork to produce higher test scores, but they do not mention so much else that goes into the development of thinking.
In particular, I would call upon us to produce some stringent wording concerning subsidies that have harmful effects on the environment.
We call on the Commission to produce a communication on basic products as a matter of urgency.