This sent me in a lifelong search for, well, let's be extravagant and call it truth.
But that accomplishment has very little to do with what one might call truth, justice, and the American way.
At the next level, called actual relative truth, the beautiful lady appears, but the magician does not get attached.
This is called truth; to repeat any row would make the performance false.
I follow Mielikki because she represents what I call truth.
With what they can identify their own delusion of fear they call truth.
With his law background, he found characters and events as much a question of manipulation as of anything we could call truth.
And they possessed some intrinsic gift called truth, through the use of the mandate.
She debated a moment about her answer then decided on incomplete honesty, as she called partial truth.
You want order and what you'd call truth in your life, and you try to create it.