The leaders of 25 Muslim states attended and the conference called for Israel to give up territory conquered in 1967.
Labor has called for Britain to give up its own nuclear missiles and close American bases.
Does that mean older adults should be called on to give up cost-of-living adjustments to retirement benefits?
He has also called for Israel to give up its nuclear weapons.
And he urged Ranford not to let a rival score even if the scene called for him to give up a goal.
Nevertheless Karzai called on the insurgents to give up their arms.
Dozens of people called with offers to give up their tickets for a Cubs game, theater, a night at the symphony.
The posse surrounded the hut and called for the fugitives to give themselves up.
The treaty called for the Indians to give up their eastern land for land in the west.
The treaty called for the Californios to give up their artillery, and provided that all prisoners from both sides be immediately freed.