It's not as if most callers can complain of egregious lapses like being cut off in midsentence.
A caller recently complained that Turbotax would handle only 53 capital gains.
"Literally, I have been accused of everything from murder on down," the first-time caller complained.
The other side of the coin is that many callers complain about the patience-trying ritual of being perpetually put on hold.
He said callers complained that the foundation should not take sides in the Bork dispute.
"Next thing you know, we're going to be raising Mexico's flag," the caller complained.
The callers complain of cold spots, oppressive feelings, inexplicable noises and varieties of bumps in the night.
One caller complained that funneling state money to a dedicated account for local government would be prone to waste.
One caller to the Mayor's weekly radio show complained that his news conference Thursday night was "self-congratulatory."
Other callers have complained that the company has, or soon will, cut off health insurance for the families of lost workers.