The dreamlike images culminate in a scene of a girl's naked body covered with calligraphic characters.
Arranged in long, curling lines, they schematically imply a large winged creature, while remaining so nearly abstract as to be a symbol, or a calligraphic character.
He enhanced their colours and added borders filled with calligraphic characters he borrowed from other prints.
This hybrid language invented by the artist renders English words as Chinese calligraphic characters.
Still another dipped a pen into an inkwell and wrote calligraphic characters on a small banner.
The calligraphic characters on these stamps may be translated into English as "Happy New Year".
His four floor-to-ceiling netlike enclosures bearing invented calligraphic characters seem to be stitched from a sheer woven fabric.
His calligraphic characters are entirely invented (some have little faces and hats).
The first segment, "As the Form of Bone Script," was the most striking, with 11 dancers in unusual poses that seemed truly imitative of calligraphic characters.
Chairman Mao Zedong wrote the calligraphic characters in the station sign.