It was there that he met Mark Tobey and became impressed with Tobey's calligraphic line.
In his hands, they are virtuosic knots of pulsating calligraphic line.
Her strong sense of color is tempered by an Asian feeling for delicate, calligraphic line, seen in works of the 1960's.
Compositionally speaking, she freely blends simple geometric forms with a spontaneous, calligraphic line creating a certain volume of space and information.
Surfaces are rich with material incident (barely grazed calligraphic lines, chunks of pigment encrusted like mold).
Even on this scale, the complex surfaces are filled with soft smudges and calligraphic lines.
His distinctive sea green glazes are crisscrossed with two or three calligraphic black lines.
All variations aside, this combines calligraphic lines, usually black, with small fluttering shapes in more or less prismatic colors.
The design uses the blue, white and red color scheme of the national flag and simple, flowing calligraphic lines, evoking the "image of running man".
From the Majiyayao culture comes a clay pot covered with whorls of calligraphic black lines.