Whenever he was upset, he was given a flower, which immediately calmed him.
He took a breath to immediately calm the feeling, then drew me closer to him.
His heart calmed immediately as the scent of minerals filled his nostrils.
In an agitated condition, he immediately calmed when he saw Bolan.
She pushed through the curtain into the common room and calmed immediately, for there sat her family, gathered about the table.
She calmed immediately, putting the conversation back into a casual mode.
This time Gregory calmed immediately under her touch, slipping swiftly into an easy, profound sleep which was intensified by the sedative they had given him.
It had the desired effect, Quentin immediately calmed and his breathing became steadier and smoother.
Elizabeth's eyes went wide, then calmed again almost immediately.
As soon as they were inside the cage the children's retching seemed to stop, and they immediately calmed.