"Counselor Troi is in her quarters," the computer calmly informed him.
"I am not concerned with case," Chan calmly informed him.
He listened and then calmly informed me that he would consider the matter.
They had reached a decision, the girls' parents calmly informed them.
He calmly informs her that a previous victim had her tongue cut out for screaming too much.
While Richard was fuming away, his mother calmly informed him that he would probably only understand when he had children of his own.
A dragon knows what to do, Ramoth calmly informed her.
"It's one of the Fitzgeralds," he calmly informed her.
His supremely logical brain calmly informed him that it simply could not be.
"If you look away first," Emily calmly and somberly informed them, "then a wolf will just eat you all up."