She, like Jan, was listening intently to the spokesperson as she calmly sipped her second cup of coffee.
She was sitting and sipping calmly though when Leah came in with the sandwich.
He sat at the table in the interrogation room, calmly sipping from a cup of water, his shoulders relaxed, his posture almost casual.
"I didn't think that was possible," said Heller, calmly sipping his hot jolt.
Calmly sipping her wine, she turned back to the others.
Benden could see the glitter of her eyes as she sipped calmly at her wine.
"Settled," she shot back as he calmly sipped his coffee.
The rest of us looked pointedly at Kenneth but he went on calmly sipping his lemon squash.
The two guerrilla leaders calmly sipped coffee prepared in small copper pots.
She set down his brandy, then sipped calmly at her own.