He also attempted to transplant the limbs from camp victims to German soldiers wounded on the Russian front.
Some historical monuments quote the badge-imagery; the use of a triangle being a sort of visual shorthand to symbolize all camp victims.
Other code phrases associated with bank-processing of camp victims' property included Melmer, Besitz der umgesiedelten Juden ("property of resettled Jews"), and Reinhardtfonds.
Mr. Feller compared many American Indians on reservations to the concentration camp victims he met in Paris after the war.
Relatives of camp victims were infuriated.
To aid with the general health of the camp victims, Hughes took control of the local hospital, removing the German patients to treat his new charges.
The walls of the gas chambers are collapsing; in the camp's museum is a room holding two tons of human hair taken from camp victims which, conservators say, will soon turn to dust.
The camp victims included the Jews, Roma, but mostly members of the Yugoslav Communist Party and their sympathisers, partisan POWs, and members of their families.
The pamphlet, which will eventually feature a number of different camp victims should it go on sale, is designed to accompany the visitor throughout the concentration camp.
How will young visitors react to the planned display of a room full of camp victims' clothes, another of shoes and a third including victims' artificial limbs?