Campaign finance critics have long maintained that both Republicans and Democrats used nonprofit groups to evade Federal election laws on campaign disclosure.
Each time, Eshoo led the opposition to the riders, and offered her own amendment to require campaign disclosure.
According to campaign disclosures received Monday by the Federal Election Commission, he spent almost $10.8 million over the next 10days.
His proposed legislation provided for campaign disclosures, but these provisions did not make it into the final bill passed by the General Assembly.
Some of them called the late campaign disclosures about Mr. Schwarzenegger the work of Democrats.
The candidate can tap a personal fortune of between $90 million and $300 million, according to campaign financial disclosures; advisers estimate his wealth at some $200 million.
"I decided to establish trust as a centerpiece of my campaign by raising the bar on campaign disclosure."
Last year the Legislature opted for electronic campaign disclosure so that voters could eventually scan contribution lists from their home computers.
Clearly furious, Mr. McCain called the tactic "a red herring" that exposed Republicans' claims to be champions of campaign disclosure as hypocritical.
The board's orders stemmed from a complaint filed by the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform indicating a lack of contributions or expenditures on her state-mandated campaign disclosure.