Mr. Brazauskas says he is prepared to live with defeat, although he is campaigning fiercely in election districts to prevent it.
Two others campaigned fiercely against him in the Democratic primary for the 1992 Presidential race.
Both sides put up full slates and campaigned fiercely.
It campaigned fiercely against divorce and contraception laws, but I can't recall it saying anything about James Meredith.
A member of the Democratic Left, he has held the largely ceremonial post of president since 1995 and campaigned fiercely in support of joining the European Union.
Campaigning fiercely in New Hampshire last week, Karger, 61, does not really see it that way.
The UUUC campaigned fiercely for the abolition of the executive, which came about in May 1974 following a general strike.
Mr. O'Neill's lawyers are fiercely campaigning to keep the files closed.
The group campaigned fiercely for Invalid Care Allowance to be extended to married women.
The Sunni Arabs, who largely boycotted the January election, are now campaigning fiercely, and voter turnout is expected to be considerably higher as a result.