Representative John Cooksey, who jumped in against her, committed a campaign gaffe with a slur against Arabs.
Joe Klein mocks one of Perot's campaign gaffes and says he was not a sufficiently substantial figure.
Mr. Bell saw his early front-runner status as a 37-year-old leader of the black community fade in a series of campaign gaffes including, at one point, his appeal for black votes because "I look like you."
Editors have continued to treat campaign finance as inside-page stuff, focusing instead on the inanities of campaign gaffes, the personal lives of candidates and polls, polls, polls.
The President, recalling a famous campaign gaffe he made at last year's Legion convention, drew laughter when he told the veterans to "remember Pearl Harbor."
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For a campaign gaffe to really count as bad it needs to have the same relationship to a candidate's election prospects as the Titanic and an iceberg: everybody rushes for the lifeboats.
"You might expect Al Gore to ask what a scanning machine at a grocery store is," she added, remembering President George Bush's campaign gaffe in 1992.
The moderators focused on campaign gaffes and some believed they focused too much on Obama.
When, in the liveliest portion of this generally entertaining two hours, Mr. Chancellor asks about some famous campaign gaffes, the managers tend to blame either the boss or an underling.