Mr. Mecham was accused of accepting an illegal campaign loan.
He is accused of concealing a $350,000 campaign loan.
She says she regrets her insensitivity to appearances in taking a campaign loan from a bank that does business with the city.
A state grand jury indicted him Friday on six felony counts, including concealing a $350,000 campaign loan.
The third impeachment charge accuses him of concealing a $350,000 campaign loan.
In addition, he faces a grand jury investigation over his failure to report a $350,000 campaign loan on either personal or campaign finance reports.
His bank has almost completely stopped making campaign loans.
Despite this internal document, Fleet made several other loans similar to this campaign loan, some with lower interest rates.
Ms. Holtzman received a campaign loan of $450,000 from the bank last fall.
When my deputy recommended Fleet's promotion, she did not know about the campaign loan.