All told, the three candidates raised and spent more than $90 million, campaign records show.
As of early February, campaign records showed that his campaign had raised about $650,000 in all.
The county government will put into its data system the campaign records of any candidate who does not submit them in computerized form, he said.
Police unions gave nearly $90,000, the campaign records show, and one union made a $6,000 donation to the governor's political action committee last month.
He has collected more than $95,000 from industry executives and political action committees, campaign records show.
But the party's campaign records filed with the state do not show any expenses clearly attributable to the inaugural.
As of March 2006, federal and state campaign records show that she had received nearly $180,000 in commissions from for such fundraising since late 2001.
The donations totaled more than $5,900 between 1979 and June 1986, according to campaign records.
The dinner raised $850,000, campaign records show - $350,000 more than its goal.
At least five states require computerization of campaign records.