Tightfisted in every other regard, Starkweather campaigned relentlessly for mental-health funding and pushed through construction of scores of community treatment centers throughout the state.
The Bush organization, which campaigned relentlessly on the Horton case, was widely criticized as appealing to racial fears.
They campaigned relentlessly and unequivocally against the entire tax package.
He campaigned relentlessly for Mr. Tester, drawing large crowds in the closing days of the campaign.
In the 2006 general election, Altmire campaigned relentlessly and raised over $1 million to help fund his race against Hart.
Carleton campaigned relentlessly against the Indians, and although he was strong on discipline, he was popular with his men.
She relentlessly campaigned against immigration when she was supporting the ruling block.
Mr. Kim campaigned for power relentlessly.
While Edward I had spent the last decade of his reign relentlessly campaigning against the Scots, his son abandoned the war almost entirely.
And Democrats are campaigning for that support far more relentlessly and explicitly than they did in 1988.