The campaign, spearheaded by a trendy rap video, is to persuade the other five million to tuck in alongside them.
But a campaign against him, spearheaded by Norman Geisler, resulted in the request that he resign.
The union-led campaign spearheaded by the California Nurses Association contributed heavily to the defeat of every proposition in the Special Election.
As time passed and passions cooled, a public campaign spearheaded by Elmer Smith was eventually able to secure the release of those Wobblies still in prison.
But that dream ended with health care" - the campaign, spearheaded by Mrs. Clinton, for universal coverage.
The anti-corruption campaigns spearheaded by the Liberty Foundation in their own backyards are their most direct threat, and they've sworn to take action.
But more recently, a whispering campaign, spearheaded by White House aides and Clinton loyalists, escalated and became extremely personal.
The campaign, spearheaded by the South African Students' Press Union, aims to use campus radio facilities to broadcast to the surrounding communities.
By launching an extensive campaign, spearheaded by Greenpeace, it was possible to convince many policy-makers and politicians of the need to institute an immediate ban.
The campaign, spearheaded by the Recording Industry Association of America, has also aimed at individuals.