We intend to return to some of these matters as the campaign unfolds.
There are bound to be disagreements between them on matters of policy as the Presidential campaign unfolds, he said.
They will no doubt be sorely tested as the campaign unfolds.
If so, they are delusional - or at least hopelessly out of touch with the culture in which this campaign is unfolding.
How will the American public be able to evaluate what it sees and hears as the campaign unfolds?
As the Democratic primary campaign has unfolded in this city of 328,000 people, crime has been by far the hottest issue.
We wanted to get this decided early so that everyone knew what the context was as the campaign unfolds.
I am satisfied with the way the campaign is unfolding.
He prevailed here by doing things that should stand him in good stead as the campaign unfolds.
It will be interesting to see how this campaign unfolds.